I am motivated to publish this year, and my goals for 2022 reflect that motivation. Since it's the last day of the first month, I decided to share those goals.
Without further ado, my goals:
Edit final draft of Something Wiccan This Way Comes
Finish and do final draft edit of Season of the Witch
Prepare Queen of Heka and Reeds of Time for release
Format all four books for release by the end of June 2022
First draft of The May Babies Ball and hopefully do a final draft edit
Learn more about Tarot for The Wheel of the Year series and rely on my Tarot guru less
Blog at least two times a month
Set up the Eloquent Peasant Book LLC and website
Read more Wiccan/Witch romance/mysteries
Read at least 52 books in 2022
Continue to learn more about publishing and the craft of writing
My plate is full.
I am ready to read anytime. Godspeed on your goals, too!